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Anti-Racism Ministry

March 25, 2021
10:00 am
- 11:30 am

Join St. Luke’s Antiracism ministry and read Love is the Way:  Holding on to Hope in Troubled Times by Bishop Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourners, offers, “Michael Curry believes in love. Not the kind of love that sidesteps and softens our response to the most brutal realities of our deepest, racist, economic, and human oppression. But rather, like Dr. King and, more importantly, Jesus said; the kind of radical love that may be the only thing that can finally overcome such radical sin.”

The group will is led by Karma Forbes and includes various mindfulness practices. Meets Thursdays in St. Luke’s Zoom meeting room.


St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
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St. Luke’s Zoom Meeting
99 Wells Ave S
Renton, WA 98057 United States
Meeting ID: 195 929 940 Passcode: stlukes
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Website by Josh deLacy