St. Luke's is active and thriving. Please visit us in person or on our livestream for Sunday liturgies.


One hundred percent of your financial gift goes directly to St. Luke’s ministry and mission. Our treasurers are volunteer parishioners who accept no fees for their administration of parish funds. Parish expenses are most always greater than the funds we receive in pledges; thus, all of your pledge is applied to current, budgeted ministry expenses.


We gladly accept all gifts for the work and ministry of St. Luke’s. You may donate online, at church, or by mailing a check to 99 Wells Ave S, Renton, WA 98057. We’re also on Venmo as @StLukesRenton. To give via Venmo, you must use your phone and give through the app.


A pledge is a commitment to support St. Luke’s at a certain, regular dollar figure throughout the year. Pledges may be made at any time in the year. Pledges let us budget based on what you and other parishioners commit to offer, allowing the parish leadership to be better stewards of parishioner gifts through our planning process.

Sunday Signups

Provide the Altar Flowers, Sanctuary Candle, or Coffee Hour to honor a loved one, mark a special occasion, or give thanks. We suggest a $35 donation for Altar Flowers and a $15 donation for the Sanctuary Candle (you can pay online or via check). If signing up for Coffee Hour, please bring snacks or a light meal for roughly 50 people after the 10:30 a.m. liturgy.

Please also add your name to the printed signups in the Guild Hall to reserve your chosen Sunday.

Legacy Society

St. Luke’s Legacy Society consists of parishioners who have included a gift to St. Luke’s in their estate. We are normally able to receive liquid and non-liquid gifts. Please contact the rector or a member of St. Luke’s Endowment Committee about making such a gift. Those who indicate on their pledge cards that they have made a Legacy gift to St. Luke’s will be enrolled in St. Luke’s Legacy Society, as well as in the Bishop’s Society of the Diocese of Olympia.

Website by Josh deLacy