St. Luke's is active and thriving. Please visit us in person or on our livestream for Sunday liturgies.

Small Groups

We support and foster small groups of individuals who are engaged in study, reflection, or service. Groups form whenever an interest or ministry compels people to join together.

Tuesday Book Group

The Tuesday Group meets at 1-2 p.m. and reads books of common interest to the group. All are welcome to join in the book discussion. The current book and weekly assignment are listed in the Weekly Announcements.

Free Spirits

Free Spirits doesn’t meet at a specific time,
but meets as it plans.

Free Spirits is open to parishioners who are available in the daytime for a monthly program. The group has attended films, visited gardens, visited other churches, and invited various presenters on topics of the group’s interest.

Contact: Nancy Hansen


Man 2 Man

First and third Mondays

A covenanted group of men who explore men’s spirituality together. They are currently meeting via Zoom.

Contact: Tom Cashman

Women’s Spirituality Group

Third Sundays
9:00 am

Gathers for prayer, discernment, learning, conversation, and support on the third Sunday of the month from 9:00 to 10:00 am. All women are welcome.

Contact: Susan Bonilla-Centeno

Website by Josh deLacy