St. Luke's is active and thriving. Please visit us in person or on our livestream for Sunday liturgies.

Staff and Vestry

You can contact the office by emailing or calling 425-255-3323. To contact an individual staff or vestry member, please use the church directory.

Bear Brantley


Bear was baptized at St. Luke Church as a child, lives in Bellevue and attends church with his family. He arrives early on Sunday mornings and ensures our buildings and grounds are presentable, then hosts our coffee hour after church, and leads clean up crew afterward. His ministry is invaluable to us and his joy is infectious.

Mel Butler

Music Director

Mel Butler graduated from Oberlin Conservatory of Music and then completed graduate studies at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York. He served four years in the US Navy as violist in the Navy String Quartet, and after serving in several musical capacities for twenty years in Rochester, he became Canon Musician at Saint Mark’s Cathedral from 1992 until his retirement in 2014.

The Rev. Susan Dean

Priest Associate

Susan serves as Executive Director of Underhill House, a nonprofit designed to be a quiet place to pray in downtown Seattle. She also serves as a spiritual director.

The Rev. Baudelina Paz


Baudelina Paz joins us as our full-time curate. She grew up in Skagit County among her family and attended La Iglesia de La Resurrección, Mt. Vernon .She was ordained to the priesthood in 2021. Of indigenous heritage, Pas speaks Mixtec, Spanish, and English and serves our whole congregation.

The Rev. Kevin Pearson


Kevin Pearson is a Pacific Northwest native and came to St. Luke Church in the spring of 2004. He holds a doctorate from San Francisco Theological Seminary, writing in the field of worship and transcendent experience. As a priest, he seeks to make each gathering of our community an occasion of encounter with the Divine life and our authentic selves. He weaves liturgical arts to help us to grow and glimpse the New Jerusalem of peace and oneness. For over a dozen years, Kevin, additionally served as an on-call chaplain at Seattle Children’s, bringing his same priestly gifts of seeking healing and peace to contexts of crisis and disease.

Kevin champions the church’s efforts to reflect our multicultural city, as well as providing the language/culture differences to gather Latinx peoples. Over several years, Kevin has been crafting Seasonal Liturgies at the changes of the Earth’s seasons to celebrate and foster peoples’ intunement with nature and mystery. Kevin sees this work as key to understanding Northwest spirituality and attracting locals and those who gravitate to these parts.

The Rev. Canon Carla Robinson

Priest Associate

Carla is the Canon for Multicultural Ministry and Community Engagement for the Diocese of Olympia and serves at St. Luke Church, her home parish, on a part-time basis.

Elliot Russell

Maintenance Technician

Elliot is helping the parish catch up on maintenance tasks, on a part-time basis.



Pat Campbell (’27)

Chris Cornuelle, Clerk (’25)

Mark Fredericksen (’26)

Toni Gonzalez-Castro (’27)

Jennifer Harold Junior Warden (’26)

Julie Havlicek (’25)

Shelly Lawrence (’27)

Kevin Pearson, Rector

Sean Russell, Senior Warden (’26)

Website by Josh deLacy