St. Luke's is active and thriving. Please visit us in person or on our livestream for Sunday liturgies.

Who We Are

St. Luke Church is a vital, intergenerational congregation in the Episcopal (Anglican) religious tradition. We are progressive in thought and spirit and also maintain the time-honored wisdom of our religious ancestry. We are a diverse group whose differences make for a rich community life. We celebrate the love and hospitality of God with genuine welcome and invite all people to make the journey with us into the mystery of divine presence.

St. Luke Church’s beginnings date to 1882, when Trinity Church, Seattle began leading worship services in Renton. The current church was constructed in 1928 and has been lovingly updated to create a beautiful space for worship and music.St. Luke’s today attracts regular attendees from a wide range of multicultural, socioeconomic, and generational backgrounds. We’re old and young, rich and poor, gay and straight, single people and families of all kinds. St. Luke’s creates opportunities for all people to reconnect with the Church’s deep mystical tradition—both within our physical building and our everyday lives.

We invite you to join us—people striving to live lives of gratitude, vitality, and abundance.

A Community of:

We awaken to the beauty of the world and God’s song in our hearts.


We learn to be whole people in body, mind, and spirit.


We give ourselves for the good of God’s creation.


Website by Josh deLacy