Drum Circle
St. Luke's 99 Wells Ave S, Renton, United StatesConnect with spirit and rhythm through your body and through sound. No experience needed! Contact: Susan Bonilla-Centeno
Connect with spirit and rhythm through your body and through sound. No experience needed! Contact: Susan Bonilla-Centeno
Bring your pets to church! On October 7, we will celebrate St. Francis Day Pet Blessing at 12 p.m. in Jones Park (across the street from the church). All animals who would like to receive a blessing are encouraged to attend the noon service.
The choir rehearses from 9:15 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. every Sunday except the second Sunday of the month. We also rehearse from 12:10 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. Please contact Music Director Mel Butler (melbutler45@gmail.com) for more information.
We will share a meal together, watch the premiere of St. Luke’s new welcome video, join hearts in gratitude to God for all we receive, and hear an invitation to re-commit to the work of God at St. Luke Church. The Fall Campaign Brunch will follow both Sunday liturgies.
A dedication 90 years in the making! Saint Mark’s will host a special service of Consecration and Dedication of the cathedral renovations and the new baptismal font. The Rt. Rev. Greg Rickel will officiate. Among the donor recognitions will be a Donor Wall naming all 806 individual donors and every parish (including St. Luke’s!) who […]
Over St. Luke’s 120+ year history, many people have left a financial legacy for the ongoing mission of the church. We will hear of those people and their gifts and learn of the opportunity to be a part of St. Luke’s Legacy Society.
All Saints, that great feast of the church’s eternal life, is the Sunday when we gather up parishioner commitments and celebrate our lives as part of the holy band of God’s people. Following our tradition, bring your pledge commitment (or a symbol of it) to the altar where it will be blessed.
Music Director Mel Butler will be offering four I Want To Sing classes for those who would like to learn more about singing: including vocal production, music reading (notes and rhythm), ear training, sight singing. Come on over to St. Timothy’s Chapel to hone your music skills in a relaxed, fun, non-performance atmosphere. Classes will […]
Please join Our Lady of Guadalupe to celebrate together The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Dec. 9 at 1:30 p.m. We will have: Eucharist Aztec Dancers with the Ce Tal Tonalli group Traditional Food
Light for the darkest night. An evening liturgy of poetry, song, and story for the winter solstice. More information about St. Luke's seasonal liturgies is available here.
We will celebrate our Christmas Eve liturgy at 5 p.m. All are welcome!