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Instrumental: Meditative

“Ashokan Farewell” (American folk)

“Londonderry Air” (Irish traditional)

“Precious Lord, Take My Hand” (Gospel)

“Bist du bei mir (Thou art with me)” (by Bach)

“Schmucke dich, O liebe Seele (Deck thyself, my soul, with joy)” (by Bach)

“Vor deinen Thron (Before thy throne I now stand)” (by Bach)

“Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” (by Bach)

“Sheep may safely graze” (by Bach)

“Sleepers, wake, a voice calleth” (by Bach)

“Adagio” (by Samuel Barber)

“Adagio Cantabile” (by Beethoven)

“Prière à Notre-Dame” (by Léon Boëllmann)

“Largo” from New World Symphony/”Goin’ Home”/ (by Dvořák)

“Nimrod” (by Edward Elgar)

“Largo from Xerxes” (by Handel)

“Air” from Water Music (by Handel)

“Aria” (by Flor Peeters)

“Final” from Symphony No. 1 (by Vierne)

“Rhosymedre” (by Ralph Vaughan Williams)
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Instrumental: Triumphant

“In Thee is Joy” (by Bach)

“We thank Thee, God”/”Sinfonia” from Cantata 29 (by Bach)

“Ode to Joy” (by Beethoven)

“Hornpipe” from Water Music (by Handel)

“Now thank we all our God” (by Sigfrid Karg-Elert)

“Toccata” from Symphony No. 5 (by Widor)

Instrumental: Hymns

Our music director can perform instrumental improvisations on favorite hymns and spirituals, including:

“For all the Saints”

“Alleluia! The strife is o’er”

“All my hope on God is founded”

“O God, our help in ages past”

“A mighty fortress is our God”

And many others

Hymns: Episcopal Hymnal 1982

“Alleluia! The strife is o’er” (#208)

“Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee” (#376)

“What wondrous love is this” (#439)

“How lovely is thy dwelling place (Psalm 84)” (#517)

“The King of love my Shepherd is (Psalm 23)” (#645)

“Abide with me, fast falls the eventide” (#662)

“Amazing Grace” (#671)

“O God, our help in ages past (Psalm 90)” (#680)

“A mighty fortress is our God (Psalm 46)” (#688)

Hymns: Lift Every Voice and Sing

“Steal away to Jesus” (#103)

“I got a robe up in-a that kingdom” (#180)

“When peace like a river” (#188)

Hymns: New Century Hymnal

“Immortal love, forever full” (#166)

“Jesus, keep me near the cross” (#197)

“Shall we gather at the river?” (#247)

“God of our life, through all the circling years” (#366)

“Sheltered by God’s loving Spirit” (#368)

“Blessed be the tie that binds” (#393)

“My life flows on in endless song” (#476)

“God is My Shepherd” (The New Century Hymnal #479)

Traditional songs

“Precious Lord, Take My Hand” (Gospel)
Lyrics | Instrumental version

“Danny Boy” (Irish traditional)
Lyrics | Instrumental version

Website by Josh deLacy